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Should you be eating Calcium Supplements?

Calcium Supplements: Yay or Nay?

CALCIUM: It is an essential mineral. There are no two ways about it. It is universally agreed upon. Orthopaedic surgeons will be the first ones to stress how important it is for us to have enough Calcium in our bodies, but, they will also tell you that Calcium supplements are not the best way to consume Calcium!

Now, we are not debating if Calcium is important or not, but if Calcium supplements are the best source of Calcium. 

It seems quite simple, doesn’t it? You have Calcium deficiency, or you want to prevent Calcium deficiency, so you take a Calcium supplement and your problem has been sorted out. NO. This is not how the human body works. 

Check out our blog on how Calcium works in our body here:

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Calcium is not produced by the body, so we have no choice but to make sure we have a solid intake of Calcium. Majority of the time, when a person has Calcium Deficiency, it is not because there is not enough Calcium going into a person’s body, but rather that not enough Calcium is being absorbed by the bones.

How do we ensure our body is absorbing enough Calcium?

Exercise. Just like our muscles, our bones need to be activated to get stronger. When we exercise our muscles, they, in turn, activate the bones and enable them to absorb the calcium our bodies require. Vitamin D also plays an essential role is helping the body absorb Calcium. 15 mins of skin exposure to sunlight will give you an adequate amount of Vitamin D. 

Our body is very well equipped to absorb all the Calcium that it requires. This Calcium can easily be consumed with a healthy dairy-free diet. Lentils, greens & seeds are some of the best and most healthy sources of Calcium. Taking a Calcium supplement can often add extra, concentrated Calcium to the bloodstream, that our body does not need, and therefore will not absorb. This extra Calcium is not good for the body and can lead to problems if consistently maintained.

Check out our blog on why you should avoid milk here:

The reason Orthopaedic surgeons stress the importance of Calcium is because a lack of Calcium in the bones makes them brittle. This condition is called Osteoporosis and generally affects the older generation. Osteoporosis affects older people because as you get older, it is more difficult for our body to not only absorb more Calcium, but also to retain the existing Calcium. When we are younger, our bodies are capable of absorbing a lot more Calcium, so it is very important to exercise and eat healthy to maintain a good calcium reserve for when we are older. 

Eat healthy and most importantly, exercise and you can say goodbye to calcium deficiency and never have to say hello to osteoporosis!

You can also checkout our blog ‘Bones: The Building Blocks of the Body’ for more insights on how to keep your bones strong and healthy!

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