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4 tips to Prevent Falls

One of the most common issues as we get older is falling. There can be many reasons for these falls, but the most common one is that after the age of 65, balance slowly starts to decline. Coupled with the fact that our bones lose some of their density  when we get older making us more prone to fractures, it is essential that we take precautions  to prevent falls

Here are 4 simple tips to help prevent falls:

Balance is a common cause for falls as we get older. If there are grab bars and handrails installed in our regular walking path, it provides additional support while walking. The grab bars and handrails can be used to steady ourselves and regain balance if needed while walking.

Non-slippery footwear is very important. Make sure they fit well and have a sole with a strong grip. Shoes with heels or slick soles can increase fall risk. If you wear slippers at home, make sure they have a rubber sole that does not slip.

A common place where falls occur is the bathroom. Once the floor becomes wet, it becomes slippery and causes falls. Adding a non-slip mat in areas that are prone to getting wet is a very good way to avoid slipping in water.

It is very important that we try to preserve our balance as we get older. This can be done through the practice of balance improving exercises. Consulting with a physiotherapist can be very beneficial as they will teach us what exercises will have maximum benefit. Additionally, practicing yoga, pilates and tai-chi are also beneficial to improving balance.

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