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4 tips to Handle a Sports Injury

The term “sports injury” loosely refers to the various kinds of injuries that most commonly occur during sports or exercise, but they are not limited to athletes. Anyone engaging in an active lifestyle can succumb to a sports injury.

Any athlete will tell you that small injuries come with exercising or being active. How the injury is handled is most important. Here are 4 simple tips that will help you handle any sports injury.

Icing can be very useful. It effectively reduces pain and swelling because the cold constricts blood vessels and decreases circulation to the area. It also reduces pain and decreases inflammation in the area.

When a muscle starts to cramp or spasm, a compression bandage can be very useful. The gentle compression helps improve the circulation to the area and also helps reduce the swelling. This can help relieve pain and aid in recovery.

Elevating an injury above the level of the heart also contributes to reduced blood flow, which can reduce swelling. Additionally, the elevation ensures that excess fluid does not collect around the injury. Don’t forget to elevate while you’re sleeping as well.

While these tips will be useful treating a minor injury as soon as it occurs, it is important to consult a doctor to make sure that the injury is nothing serious. 

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